Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Very First Post

So this is my brand new blog! I should probably start with a bit about myself and then tell everyone what I hope to do with this blog.

Well, first off, my name is Natasha, my username comes from the joined names of my bunnies, Pucci and Viola (Pucci + Viola = Pucciola!). I am about to turn 22 and I am a full-time student at a University. I love to cook, read, watch movies and TV, learn, laugh and I just like to enjoy life.

The reason I started this blog is because I went through a bit of a rough patch over the last few years, and now that I have started to get back on my feet, I feel like I have a lot to say and share.

I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) last year and have been struggling to turn things back around the where they should be, and its been hard! 1 in 10 women suffer from PCOS and I am one of them. On my blog I am going to tell you about my story, how I was diagnosed, the trials I have overcame or am still trying to overcome, as well as some helpful advice that I can give from just plain experience. Like "Recipe of the Week", a recipe that I have made in my own kitchen, all by myself, with ingredients from the local grocery store, and that were great! And they will be usually low fat, tasteful, and simple to make. I will post the link to the recipe or will type it out by hand.

So pretty much what I am saying is those who should be able to take something from my blog are:
- Bunny owners
- Teenage Girls
- Young Women
- Middle- Aged Women
- Older Women
- PCOS sufferers
- Makeup buffs
- Students
- People who like to cook
- People who just like interesting things
- People looking for a good deal!
- Those who are bored :)

So in a nut-shell, I am going to be putting here whatever I think others might find interesting, thing that people can learn, and just all around stuff that you might like!

I hope everyone stays tuned, please subscribe and leave comments and feedback!